Time, with its attendant labels is a funny old thing.
We know that the calendar new year starts on the 1st January each year. But for most of us, we are mid way through a holiday of some description and the new year feels more like a celebratory party date than anything else. Then there are the New Years such as Lunar New Year, Rosh Hashanah and the First of Muharram. Finally, there is the new school year; which here in Australia is either late January/early February each year.
After a snap lockdown, schools in Western Australia largely started back today. And, a collective sigh of relief was felt across the state as parents who also are in paid employment look to the year ahead. It often feels like work in January is just the juggle of keeping kids entertained whilst working and managing in an environment where half the country is still on holidays.
February, although not a new year in the calendar sense, definitely feels as though it is when things get cracking again in the fullest sense of the word.
So today is the proper start of my new year, and I am excited about it. There’s plenty to achieve in the working environment – more writing, study and media stuff. Not to mention working with clients who challenge me to provide quality thinking and doing every day.
There’s all sorts of ways of approaching a new year. For some, it’s resolutions. Others, a word for the year. Others still – goals to achieve.
One of the simplest ways to look at any new year plans is what do you want to be different this time next year? Perhaps that’s something that has been hanging over you (like study to finish). Or a family situation that needs sorting out one way or another. Perhaps it’s a relationship that’s causing you disproportionate angst. Maybe it’s a health issue that you want to get to grips with. There’s something powerful about deciding you want things to be different, and putting in place a plan to get there.
There’s a saying that what gets measured gets done.
I think that’s true. But more specifically, I think when we move from a general discontent that “something” needs to change to a specific plan for what will be different – there’s a real power that comes from that.
If the above has whetted your appetite, and you’re keen for more.. Here are some ideas:
Does leadership interest you? You can sign up to my FREE seven day “Be a Better Boss Challenge” by clicking here. And you can click here to buy my book.
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Want some help in meeting your goals? Sign up to the permission to dream programme, by clicking here.
Want more to read? You can read any of the 300+ blog posts on this site, by clicking here.
See you soon,