that will unlock your full potential

As a leader and executive, you face many challenges that can stifle your
full potential. I’m here to help.

When I was promoted to CFO, I asked Tammy to help me develop the skills and confidence I needed for the new role.With Tammy’s help I realised that I already had them, I just needed some assistance in unlocking them.Tammy and I worked through a number of diverse areas including conflict management, fear of public speaking, identifying and dealing with different behaviours, removing catastrophic thinking and effective staff appraisals.Tammy challenged my preconceptions, pushed me to do things I didn’t want to do and was not scared to point out when I was not following the path we had embarked on.As we near the end of this path I feel that I am a different person professionally and personally than when we started.My self-confidence, ways of thinking and general effectiveness have all improved significantly.I look forward to calling on Tammy in the future as I continue my journey of self-improvement

It can be a lonely, confusing and frustrating journey to navigate

Whatever you want to achieve, wherever you want to go, I’ll help you get there.

Individual coaching can be one of the most effective and cost efficient ways of transforming leadership capability.

I work with you on a wide range of issues, building on your inherent strengths while addressing any blockers that are causing personal or organizational challenges.

My process is simple

Ready to share the load?
Ready to take your leadership to the next level?
Ready to sleep easy again?