On the blog
- By Tammy Tansley
- / April 24, 2018
There was a bit of a dustup at the fish and chips shop last night....
- By Tammy Tansley
- / April 17, 2018
But, we know that money is a dissatisfier. You are dissatisfied if you perceive you don't have enough. Either in real terms or in relative fairness terms. Beyond a certain amount, money in and of itself doesn't motivate employees.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / April 9, 2018
It’s no longer a matter of thinking “if we can just get through this period of x”, it will all be ok, and we will go back to life as usual. Change is the new usual. And it’s not going to go away.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / March 26, 2018
It's not how we like to think of leadership. Usually, when we say the word leadership we have a positive, heroic image in mind. Nonetheless, leadership it is.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / March 22, 2018
And although we may not have given the feedback, we often act as though we have. We expect the person to get better. To do things differently and then get annoyed when they don't.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / March 20, 2018
If we can understand what we implicitly believe to be leadership, we can start to challenge some of those theories. We can also work out what that means for us and our leadership style and approach.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / March 9, 2018
This is where a man and a woman undertake the SAME job and do NOT receive the same remuneration. This is the area where many of the ranting Linkedin posts occur: "I get paid the same as the women I work with".
- By Tammy Tansley
- / February 24, 2018
The first few months of 2018 has seen me chat to the press on a variety of different topics. Here's a quick round up for those that missed it
- By Tammy Tansley
- / February 19, 2018
Without doubt - the world needs constructive debate more than ever. Silent, seething disagreement doesn't further any argument. But, and this is a big but, as with so many things - it is HOW you do it. Disagree for sure. Have a different opinion for sure. But if you want your personal and employment brand to thrive, think about how you go about making that point so that the point is heard, rather than just your behaviour being seen.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / February 12, 2018
Every single successful person I have ever spoken to cites learning more from failure than from easy success. But perfection, by its very nature doesn't allow for those bumps or squiggles.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / February 2, 2018
It's a great story because it reminds us that when we start, we all start from the same place.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / January 30, 2018
- By Tammy Tansley
- / January 22, 2018
That doesn't mean that having purpose isn't important - because it is. But simply, that work doesn't necessarily have to be thing that provides it.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / December 31, 2017
There is something lovely about being able to draw a line in the sand, reset and start again. Of course you can do this at any time during the year, but there's something special about the down time of the Christmas period that lends itself to a bit of introspection and reflection.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / December 14, 2017
There is a significant body of research on this.. it works! The being clear on your goals/dreams, the public accountability and most importantly - the acknowledgement and celebration of the journey and progress.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / December 4, 2017
But increasingly, there’s an economic imperative for organisations. Beyond the loss of talent, and the significant loss of productivity whilst these claims wend their way through an organisation, there’s the broader impact on brand. Increasingly boards and executive teams are coming under scrutiny from investors and shareholders – who are looking for positive and strong leadership.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / November 20, 2017
If there is ANY chance of an email being misinterpreted. If the content is sensitive. Or if the receiver is time poor and likely to skim read .. Ask yourself - what's the purpose of putting this in writing? Is it to avoid the conversation? Perhaps to protect myself in case something comes back to bite me?
- By Tammy Tansley
- / November 17, 2017
So, if you're thinking about coaching for you or your team, it pays to have a few coffees first. There are so many different styles, personalities and approaches available. Without doubt, there will be a best fit.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / November 14, 2017
The communication process doesn't need to be onerous. It doesn't need to involve large town halls and full on presentations (although of course there is a place for those). It just needs to be regular, on message and provide employees the information they need.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / November 10, 2017
But more fundamental than that, trust is basis of how we decide how we are going to interact with each and every person. It's a decision we make about each and every person every day.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / October 24, 2017
Often (always?) there are examples of failures and disasters along the way. It's not about not failing - but what they have done with that failure.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / October 12, 2017
Sometimes hard things do resolve themselves without any other intervention. A huge sigh of relief and life goes on.But usually they have become hard for a reason, and time/ignoring it doesn't usually make them any less hard.