On the blog
- wp-tammy
- / February 22, 2021
There are so many sayings about change. How it’s inevitable. That change is the only constant in life. If we don’t change, we don’t grow. Etc etc etc.
- wp-tammy
- / February 15, 2021
When will we get the message? It's not the clothes that our (mainly) women and girls are wearing that causes sexual harassment and sexual abuse and sexual assault.
- wp-tammy
- / February 8, 2021
We know that the calendar new year starts on the 1st January each year. But for most of us, we are mid way through a holiday of some description and the new year feels more like a celebratory party date than anything else.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / November 17, 2020
The big takeaway from 2020 is that what was thought to be too hard to do, ended up being very easy when push came to shove.
The trick now will be to consolidate that, and then see what other benefits are relatively easily available.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / November 9, 2020
It's been a year when pretty much everything has felt completely out of control. In fact, that is probably one of the big lessons we have all learnt, is how little we actually do control.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / November 6, 2020
As long as we make leadership something bigger than us, as long as we keep leadership beyond us and make it about changing the world, we give ourselves an excuse not to expect it every day, from ourselves and from each other.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / October 3, 2020
A contract protects both you as the employer, and the employee. It allows you to be specific about what you expect of your employee and what happens if it all goes wrong. It is a safety net for you both. It's different to an award which is the minimum; you need to comply whether you want to or not.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 21, 2020
Whilst the issue of what is a "casual" and how do employers balance the need for flexibility with fairness and equity to their employees continues to be debated in the courts and within politics, employers continue to get frustrated.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 15, 2020
The first question after the initial navel gazing is whether an organisation has the appetite for embarking upon such a journey. If there's a sufficiently compelling "why". And if not, how much of the impact of the current culture is the organisation prepared to tolerate?
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 7, 2020
Then there re are power differentials, emotions, egos and other reasons which also get in the way of being a good listener. And perhaps, a thought that to listen makes you more vulnerable. Less in control?
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 3, 2020
Perhaps it is understanding that employees have a need to be safe and comfortable. By safe I mean that your boss doesn't try to lure you into bed against your wishes. And by comfortable I mean that you're able to access the most basic of human biological needs as needed.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / August 25, 2020
If being on repeat sounds like you. Or you feel as though your head is filled with unfinished or unresolved thoughts, coaching may be a process that helps you sort through those thoughts to move forward.