On the blog
- By Tammy Tansley
- / October 28, 2016
How do you begin to describe a career so rich, so varied and interesting? Fiona Kalaf’s route and growth as a leader has had many twists and turns; and yet when viewed in hindsight position her perfectly for her current role as CEO of Youth Focus.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / October 22, 2016
Change and leadership are inextricably linked. Often leaders are brought in to introduce change, and always change requires great leadership if it is to be successful.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / October 14, 2016
We know that leadership is in part about managing our own health so that you can better lead others.
Be proactive in managing your own mental health.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / October 6, 2016
In part, the practice of stopping creates a circuit breaker in an otherwise hectic day. It provides a pause to consciously reflect on how you are feeling at that moment and to reset that if necessary.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 28, 2016
The book is about all the bits that go around the negotiation that set a negotiation up to succeed or fail.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 19, 2016
Now, sometimes a job is really beyond this. But Seligman says that usually, even in the most dire of work situations, by using your strengths you can transform your job into something tolerable, bearable, even something positive.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 15, 2016
All of this same same simply perpetuates what we already know. It doesn't prepare us for what is coming. It doesn't give diversity of thought.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 14, 2016
“Radical candor is humble, it’s helpful, it’s immediate, it’s in person — in private if it’s criticism and in public if it’s praise — and it doesn’t personalize.”
- By Tammy Tansley
- / September 14, 2016
Good leadership doesn't reduce employee turnover precisely because of good leadership.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / August 29, 2016
Ask yourself, if this is what your life looked like in five years, ten years time, would you be happy? Often we tolerate a lifestyle because we tell ourselves it is short term, but the reality is somewhat different.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / August 22, 2016
It's something we are very passionate about, because it's often the smallest of issues that end up being handled so badly that they become bigger than ben hur.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / August 15, 2016
The research, both quantitative and qualitative shows that being real, being authentic, being connected and being human pays off when it comes to leadership. No longer is it about the removed - about relying on positional power.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / August 8, 2016
But, if you can set aside 15 minutes now today to do the first part, and then 15 minutes later in the week, and then 15 minutes on the weekend; I guarantee you'll find out some things about your life that will be illuminating and might set you on the path to less confusion, more clarity and more joy!
- By Tammy Tansley
- / August 5, 2016
Let's be clear that it is not impossible to thrive in an environment that is less than optimal in terms of culture. BUT, and this is a big BUT; it's so so much harder to have to swim against the grain of the organisation, its culture and all that it encourages and supports.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / July 21, 2016
The fear of public speaking is known as “glossophobia”. More Americans report they fear it more than heights, flying, drowning, and small spaces. So what makes this fear so common?
- By Tammy Tansley
- / July 6, 2016
In my speech on the topic, I noted that HR is in an unique position to enable this transition by using their influence in a whole manner of different ways.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / July 4, 2016
The dictionary defines it as a "firm decision to do or not do something." I like that. It speaks of thoughtfulness and resolve. That is, you take the time to think about things and then make a firm decision one way or another.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / June 29, 2016
I am not discounting that this stuff can be difficult, but I think we make it more difficult that it needs to be. Just start. Anywhere. Movement begets movement. Progress begets progress. Growth begets growth.
- By Tammy Tansley
- / June 19, 2016
The appreciative self begins with the assumption that whatever we want more of already exists, if only in tiny qualities. We have to get over the belief that our experience is "the truth" and assume we can have a different experience by changing OUR map.