My first question upon being approached to do some coaching work with a counterpart is “are they willing?”
Coaching works best when the coaching counterpart (sometimes known as the coachee) is actively engaged and enthusiastic about the process.
It is an uphill battle for both parties when the counterpart views the process as unnecessary or punitive or ineffective.
Managers often question this and ask why?
The answer of course lies in the intent of the coaching process; which is to work with a counterpart on what they want to do, and to move them closer to their chosen goal.
Coaching is not about replacing the role of the manager. Or about disciplining the counterpart in order to improve their performance or attitude.
Coaching is at its heart an inherently positive process – to build on strengths and move forward. The coach must believe in the counterpart and hold the space in a way that allows the counterpart to trust and grow.
Without the trust and the good intent of both parties, it just doesn’t work.
If you want to discuss how coaching could help you or a team member, get in touch to discuss how I can help you on the path.
You can also read these posts on coaching.
And if you’re still hungry for more, you can find my leadership book here.
Until next week, happy leading.